Pastor David Brown
Pastor David joined Faith Family Church in September 2021. He is above all passionate about his love for the Lord Jesus Christ and his greatest joy comes from sharing the beautiful truth from the Word of God. David and his wife Lisa along with their four kids, Jonathan, Sophia, Michael, and Clara enjoy living in the local area and being a part of the community. When David is not focused on the work of the ministry or his family, he enjoys furthering his education in biblical and theological studies while also he takes personal pleasure in studying other subjects such as science, math, languages, art and most of all history. David greatly enjoys meeting with and getting to know others and is always happy to share a meal with anyone!
Raised by godly parents David has had the joy of serving in ministry since he was 11 years. He came to faith at a very young age and soon fell in love with Scripture as well as the Church. David has been incredibly blessed to have lived a life of walking with God even during the hardest seasons while he served in the Marine Corps in places like Iraq and Afghanistan. Following his service in the Marine Corps David attended Dallas Theological Seminary where he received his ThM in Biblical Theology. Over the years David has volunteered and served on staff in a variety of churches giving him a deep appreciation for the range of how the Church can express worship for God and be within the instruction of Scripture.
David feels called by God to carry out the mission of making disciples. He understands discipleship as ultimately guiding others to deeper relationship with Jesus that manifests in walking more like Jesus. No matter where someone is at in their faith David believes that all of us have much room for growth. As a Disciple of Jesus, David’s greatest hope in life is to one day be in the physical presence of his Lord and Savior, as he resonates with the Apostle John’s words from Revelation 22:20 “Amen, come Lord Jesus.”
Worship Ministry Director:
Jordan Fitzwater
Pastor Jordan joined Faith Family Church in August 2016. He has a genuine love for people and felt his call to ministry in 2008 as a High School student. Jordan grew up in Mesquite and later moved to the Community area in 2007 where he would graduate Community High School. When Jordan is not focused on the the church or teaching at Community High School, he is having fun in his kayak or restoring his truck camper. Jordan loves getting food with anyone who will and has a passion for students and helping them navigate life.
Jordan was raised by Christian parents and has been serving in some sort of missions or his grandfather’s traveling puppet ministry since he was 8 years old. He came to Faith at a young age and has been in the church ever since. After a hard walk through his Sophomore, and Junior years in high school of trying to run from Christ he would find that the ultimate rest and strength would be in following God. After graduating high school Jordan moved to Lynchburg, VA where he would attend Liberty University for a Bachelors of Science in Music and Worship, Specializing in Technology. He graduated in 2016 after working in multiple churches that would prepare him for his current ministry at Faith Family Church.
Jordan’s desire is to be what his students need when they need it, and has answered the call to bring not just music on a Sunday morning but a lifestyle of sacrifice to the ministry God has called him to. This is our true worship. He realizes that no student is the same and neither are any of the human beings that God puts in his path. That is why each person has the ability to uniquely grow in their walk with Christ and build others as they walk. Jordan keeps his ministry and kids students keen to his life’s favorite scripture:
Romans 12:1-2, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Ministry Director:
Alisa Hale
Alisa Hale joined Faith Family Church in November 2022. She has a passion for teaching children and loves teaching children about the Word of God! She truly believes that children are capable of learning the Word of God and can become confident in their faith by learning scripture as well as having a relationship with God. Alisa is also passionate about music and loves to teach scripture through songs! Alisa is married to Bill Hale and they have two kids named Jayden and Alayna. Alisa has been a teacher for Community ISD for the last eight years. She has worked at both the elementary and middle school levels.
Alisa has faithfully attended church for her entire life even despite her parents walking away from their faith when she was about fourteen. She does have a rich heritage of faithful believers and, thankfully, now her parents have returned to their faith. Alisa has served on the worship team of every church she has attended in the past. She is passionate about music and worship. Along with her husband, she has also served in Guest/New Member Ministries, Sunday School, directed a children's choir and volunteered for VBS at her previous churches. She firmly believes in the leading and guiding of the Word of God as well as the Spirit of God.
As Children's Ministry Director at Faith Family Church, Alisa desires to create a firm foundation of scripture for the children that attend our church. A firm foundation in the Word of God will create life-long believers that put their full faith and trust in Jesus Christ. She wants the Word of God to not just be in their minds but in their hearts so their lives can be led by not only the Word of God but the spirit of God as well.
John 1:4 "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth."
Griffin Beer has been attending Faith Family Church since May 2023. Griffin has a deep passion for mentoring, leading, and guiding others toward a stronger walk in the faith and their personal relationship with the Lord. Griffin has enjoyed discussing theology, advising, and praying for others from a position rooted in the Word. Be that with his family, friends, coworkers, or even strangers who the Lord puts in his path. He has greatly cherished his involvement in ministry and looks forward to continually growing and developing his ability to lead and teach the Word.
Griffin was raised by God-fearing parents and has been involved in the church his entire life. Griffin proclaimed and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior when he was 5 years old and has been passionately pursuing Him ever since. Griffin graduated from Kansas State University in 2022, earning his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. He then moved to the Dallas, TX area in January 2023. He is married to his incredible wife, Sydney, who he thanks the Lord for everyday. When not conducting student ministry operations or attending church, Griffin enjoys quality time with his wife, fishing, gunsmithing, lifting weights, socializing with friends, and messing with his pickup truck.
Youth Ministry Director:
Griffin Beer
Griffin strongly emphasizes the reality of spiritual warfare and that the Lord is intimately and directly involved with each of us every second of every day. Griffin seeks to equip students with all of the correct tools needed to proudly stand firm in their faith and navigate the extremely pivotal junior high and high school years. Griffin wishes to convey an example of unapologetic faith, nonconformity to secular and worldly ways, taking pride in being set apart from godlessness, a spirit of intense thankfulness and gratitude, and teaching others from a position of love.
Joshua 24:15, "But if it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served, which were beyond the Euphrates River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
Treasurer and Bookkeeper:
Helen Miller
Helen Miller and her husband Kye have been members of Faith Family since we began in 2017. They moved to this area in 1991 with two children who finished school at Community ISD. Helen has been working and volunteering in the business side of church ministry for many years and before her time at Faith Family, served with Nevada Baptist Church.